The cattle are eating stockpiled forage from the growing season. They are moved two times per day. Some cool season rye grass is present which is actually green and slowly growing now which the cattle love.
These tall weeds are what happened when a new field that did not yet have grasses established was allowed to grow without mowing or grazing. After the fields finally were grazed we ran the mower over and the tall weeds are no more. Though the cattle would wrap their long tongue around the top of the weeds and pull off the entire head. I believe these weeds were high in calcium because of their strong stems which benefited the cattle.
Wild birds follow the cattle as they graze. This is not a one time event. These birds on many occasions continue to follow the cattle. It may be because as the cattle graze they stir up bugs that the bird swoop down to eat. Or it could also be that the cattle knock off seeds that the bird like to eat.
The cattle in this photo were just moved into their new strip of grass. In 24 hours the paddock where the cattle are grazing will look like the right side of the photo.
AuthorMichael J. Adamucci Archives
November 2024
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